1. a group or mass of distinct or varied things, persons, etc.: an aggregation of complainants.
2. collection into an unorganized whole.

I decided to aggregate my rants, comments, favorite post and all those other items into a simple blog.


Monday, January 17, 2011

The Next Stage in the Evolution of Joseph

     This is likely to be filed in the RANT bin, that of course is entirely optional.

Like the stages of evolution of modern man (i.e Neanderthal, Cromagnon etc) I too have stages. This is how I've come to define myself somewhat.

Infancy: I pooped in diapers. Need I explain more?
Childhood: I struggled for a sense of Identity. Deaf culture was nonexistent and a foreign concept.
Adolescent: Struggles continued, bad hair in most school photos and Girls become new found foreign concept.
Young Adult/College: Identity found, however various tools of college involving funnels and kegs come into play literally pissing away any value.
Adult hood: Yearning for meaningful existence begins, reproduction (having a son!) accelerates said desire.

I am now 32 years old have found my calling, If only I listened to you Miss Brown!
I'm heading back to school to pursue my bachelors and eventually my masters in Education.

I'll be one of the growing trend of 30 somethings heading back to the classroom. Kids and all hopefully leaving the funnels and kegs behind..

Wish me luck!
