1. a group or mass of distinct or varied things, persons, etc.: an aggregation of complainants.
2. collection into an unorganized whole.

I decided to aggregate my rants, comments, favorite post and all those other items into a simple blog.


Sunday, December 20, 2009


Woke up at 6 am this morning, 10 minutes ahead of the game (e.g.) Hayden. I'm getting good at this. While I still have my middle of the nite moments where I stumble out of bed, Hayden is the second best thing to happen to me. The first? why his mother of course!

Ah Diana, with you as someone said recently "we make a good team" even though you may be rooting for the Diamondbacks and I my beloved Soxs. For all those "middle of the nite stub my toe on the bed mutter a few choice word happenings" We always took turns there after allowing us some precious sleep to maintain our sanity. We do make a good team.

Now for further proof in concept. have you ever tried to change a diaper while simultaneously suctioning out the slimy contents of a child's runny nose? Teamwork! Have you ever, at Walmart loaded all the groceries while keeping the screeching monkey entertained longer enough to make it to the car without the stares of parents who think we must be torturing the kid? Chalk one up for teamwork!

Not that Hayden by any means is difficult. Time and time again we've been told "He's such an easy baby!, Oh he's so good always smiling". Our secret? Teamwork! We don't let him sit around
Long enough to get into his own devious self. Truth be told we love our little monkey pants with all our hearts. We put our collective efforts into making sure he's fed, happy and healthy. We make sure we as parents, our own needs and wants are met too.A date nite out or be it some time with my homeboys are a local brewpub or a ladies nite for her. These are all important parts of parenting that I feel is all to often overlooked. Thank you Dr Bill Cosby for showing me some of your secrets.

Now when the Red Sox and the Diamondbacks play each other in the world serious, Diana and I will figure it out then ;)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post. You write beautifully. Oh, and it's okay to post the not-so-cute pictures of your Lil Man. Happy Holidays.
